Rental Rates

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Rental rates are for the entire property.

Description From To Weekly Monthly Week Night Weekend Night Minimum Stay
May not inc half term 01 May 22 27 May 22 £850 - £150 £150 3 Nights
May half term 27 May 22 05 Jun 22 £950 - £175 £175 3 Nights
June/July 05 Jun 22 22 Jul 22 £850 - £150 £150 3 Nights
Summer Holidays 22 Jul 22 31 Aug 22 £950 - £160 £160 5 Nights
September 31 Aug 22 30 Sep 22 £850 - £150 £150 3 Nights
October (not inc half term) 30 Sep 22 14 Oct 22 £750 - £140 £140 3 Nights
Oct half term 14 Oct 22 30 Oct 22 £900 - £140 £140 5 Nights
November & December (not Christmas) 30 Oct 22 23 Dec 22 £650 - £135 - 3 Nights
Christmas and New Year 23 Dec 22 01 Jan 23 £850 - £135 £135 5 Nights
Jan/Feb not inc half term 01 Jan 23 10 Feb 23 £600 - £133 £133 3 Nights
Feb half term 10 Feb 23 26 Feb 23 £800 - £140 £140 3 Nights
Late Feb/March 26 Feb 23 31 Mar 23 £750 - £135 £135 3 Nights

Whilst we don't show the prices for two night stays - we do offer them over the weekend. Please email for a specific quote.

Please note that we ask for 50% of the rental cost on booking and the balance a week before your arrival.

If you do have to cancel last minute, and we are able to find new guests for those dates, without having to discount, we will refund you. But please bear in mind this isn't always possible and so we strongly advice all guests take out travel insurance that covers if you have to cancel.

A copy of the T&Cs can be found here